We are all creatures of habits. However, some habits are practised every day by people with a goal in mind and we can pick up these habits too.
- Read something every day
No matter what it is, fiction or non-fiction, reading is a habit that we must cultivate from young. Reading not only teaches us general knowledge, but it also increases our vocabulary and opens up our minds to different viewpoints. We should not only read textbooks or assessment books but read a variety of books so that we are more exposed to different sets of things that might help us in the future.
- Set To-do lists
In order to wake up and feel energised for the day, a to-do list from the previous night can help us to be self-motivated and set the day’s agenda to be something we are looking forward to. There must be different tasks to do every day and instead of getting lost among the colossal amount of things to do, we can tick them off one by one, feeling accomplished and productive as the day goes by.
- Stay active
The one lesson that does not get the credit it deserves is P.E. Physical Education is good for the students to learn different types of sports and get moving at least once a week. Taking care of ourselves is as important as studying. Our health takes precedence over our grades because, without our health, nothing is possible. So, the next time your child wants to play basketball or go cycling, allow them to do so. Of course, going for swimming or badminton lessons help too.
- Eat healthily
Eating healthily will help us overcome laziness and deter illness. We should not starve ourselves in order to lose weight and look good. We should eat what is good for our bodies and restrain ourselves from eating too much. We also should know when to eat what. For example, if we have a test after lunch, we should not eat something that will make us too full. If not, we will feel lethargic during the test and will not perform as well as we would have.

- Schedule some fun
Working hard is important but so is playing hard. We do not want our memories of primary school to be just about studying. Making friends and having a social life is important too. Playing outdoors and joking with friends helps us to learn emotional intelligence which is just as important as actual intelligence. Being book-smart is great but being street-smart is just as great and much more fun!
- Get involved in new hobbies
Always try things you have never tried before such as pottery-making or cooking or skating. Things may seem really dangerous from afar or just plain boring, but you will never know unless you try. Hobbies can be as passive as watching television but instead of cartoons, watch documentaries instead. An extreme hobby can be hiking and you will need parental guidance for this one, but it will be a fun trip to go on as a family.
- Rely on people you trust
To think that we do not need anyone in the world or none of them is good enough for us is a sad way to live. We all need someone at different moments in our lives which is why it is important to turn to our parents, teachers or friends when we need help. Those who have siblings can ask for support from them and those who have close cousins should consider themselves lucky because a good circle of friends and family is what everyone needs to survive in this vast world.
- Do Self-Reflection
In order to get to know ourselves better, we need to look within and that takes some reflection. At any important event, always do an evaluation of how it affects you and what you could have done better. Only by evaluating ourselves can we know who we are and what we are lacking. Ask yourselves, “Do you like what you see in the mirror? If not, why?” We should all strive to be better people and then, better students.
Our Learning Lodge is a PSLE tuition centre that caters to students from different schools, backgrounds and standards. We are situated at Block 813 Jurong West Street 81 #B1-184 Singapore 640813 and you can contact us via WhatsApp (+65 9727 2203), Facebook or Instagram if you are looking for a tuition centre for your Secondary 1 and Primary school child.