7 steps to make sure your child stays away from technological gadgets
We are in a world full of gadgets and technology that we forget to look up to whoever is talking to us or look around us to discover what the world has to offer in real life and not in digital life. As adults, we are guilty of this but we are fortunate because most of...
OLL’S Burning facts of the month – may
English Did you know that a number of Singlish words have made their way into the Oxford English Dictionary (OED)? Some examples include: blur (slow in understanding), shiok (cool, great; delicious, superb), sabo (to harm, inconvenience, or make trouble for; to trick,...
7 small but impactful habits of studying
Achieving greatness and improving Achievement Level by level does not take a grand gesture or a huge sacrifice. Rather, it takes small steps which accumulate at the end of the year and these small steps are not only helpful but will show results as long as it is...
Books you should read during the long weekend
Reading a lot of books is the most popular advice for enhancing your child's vocabulary. Instilling a passion for reading in your child at a young age allows them to broaden their vocabulary while also developing independence and self-confidence. Reading also aids...
5 things YOU CAN do to become smarter
As human beings, we are naturally curious and we should be learning every day. However, learning does not only come in the form of academics. Reading textbooks and doing assessment books is not the only way to become cleverer. Here are some of the ways you can become...
List of schools and cca that your child can enter through dsa
It’s that time of the year again! Students will be able to pick a secondary school and secure a spot through the Direct School Application (DSA-Sec) even before obtaining their PSLE results. If they have talents in sports, the arts, or even uniformed groups, they may...
Find the right secondary sch through Dsa for your child via cca
It’s almost that time of the year again, parents and students will be putting on their thinking caps and shortlisting suitable secondary schools. The Direct School Application for secondary schools (DSA-Sec) allows students to apply and secure their spot even...
OLL’s Burning facts of the month – Feb
English Did you know that there are approximately 400 million native English speakers in the world? That’s only second to Mandarin and Spanish speakers! English is also the most common second language, and hence, if you combine the number of native and non-native...
Daily Habits of Successful Students
We are all creatures of habits. However, some habits are practised every day by people with a goal in mind and we can pick up these habits too. Read something every day No matter what it is, fiction or non-fiction, reading is a habit that we must cultivate from...
Does your child have the right mindset?
Carol Dweck discovered that success lies in the mindset of individuals and more specifically, on whether a person has a fixed mindset or growth mindset. This is your chance to start observing your child and identify which mindset does he or she have and try to get...
Tips to Mastering Self-Discipline
The year is well underway and by now, your child's batteries must have been recharged. Do you, as a parent, feel like you still have to discipline your child daily and your child is not behaving the way you want them to on their own? Well, maybe then it is time for...
Each child learns differently
Our Learning Lodge always caters to the different methods of learning and make sure that it suits the student's learning style. You must have heard about the 7 learning styles by Integrated Learning Services. There are...
Must read children’s classics for the December holidays
They say that classics never go out of style. Classics tell of thrilling tales or imaginative places which are just as exhilarating now as they were decades ago. They instil good values and timeless life lessons such as treating animals with respect and handling...
OLL’s Burning Facts of the month – Nov
English Just like we are for food, we as humans are always hungry to learn. Hence, gastronomy knowledge combines the two yearnings. Every food has a unique origin story and studying it provides an excellent opportunity to get a glimpse into the past. Basic food names...
Memorise Better with MNEMONICS
Mnemonic are techniques a person can use to help them improve their ability to remember something. In other words, it’s a memory technique to help your brain better encode and recall important information. It’s a simple shortcut that helps us associate the information...
English Did you know that the most complex word in the English language is “run”? Surprisingly deceptive, don’t you agree? This short word has 645 definitions and holds the record for the most number of definitions in the Oxford English Dictionary. The word was so...
The June holidays will be coming soon! Instead of spending all the time indoors, why not spend some quality time together with your child in the great outdoors? With this in mind, we have gathered a list of Kampong style activities to do during the June school...
How to keep your child motivated during the holiday
Holidays are all about fun, excitement and rest but many children will feel quite lethargic after a week of staying at home. Many will venture into multiple new hobbies throughout the day but gets tired of them after a while. Before you know it, two weeks will...