As human beings, we are naturally curious and we should be learning every day. However, learning does not only come in the form of academics. Reading textbooks and doing assessment books is not the only way to become cleverer. Here are some of the ways you can become more intelligent: 

  1. Immerse yourself in experiences

You should proactively find new adventures and try out new activities. Learning how to play a musical instrument is a skill which you should pick up when you are young. Visit the museum, if you can. The National Gallery Singapore has tons of exciting exhibitions which you can enjoy and more! Expose yourself to new things by learning a new language or subject and you will find yourself more willing to learn because you are facing something completely new and not the same boring facts.

  1. Test your limits

The only opponent you have to face is yourself and no one else. You do not have to be better than everyone else, you just have to be better from your previous self. Once you have mastered something, don’t stay complacent and don’t limit yourself to just that topic. Discover other areas and get out of your comfort zone. According to , that is how you “constantly make new neural connections, creating an optimal environment for learning.”

  1. Think out of the box 

To simply follow and do what everyone else is doing without knowing why makes you feel stuck sometimes. So, be creative and think of myriad ways that something can be done. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and choose the path that many do not dare to venture. You might be the person who makes the next big discovery or prove a theory many has denied. Always be willing to be unique so that others can follow in your footsteps and not the other way around. 

  1. Don’t take the easy way out 

Our minds need to exercise just as our bodies need to be stretched and perspire. Our minds need to be inspired and technology has a tendency to make our lives easier. Take remembering people’s phone numbers, for example. People no longer bother because you can call someone by scrolling for their name. However, if you memorise the numbers, it will jog your memory and it would be like taking your brain for a walk. If you drive, try it without GPS and if you are typing, try to spell it correctly instead of relying on autocorrect. Strengthen your mental sum by calculating on your own instead of using the calculator. Your brain will thank you for the stimulating exercise. 

  1. Meet more people

Everyone thinks and acts differently. If faced with the same situation, a person will not react the same way with another person. Hence, if we widen our social circle and talk to people from different walks of life, it will open our minds up to understanding more perspectives. Points of view from people who are from a different background or of a different race or of a different age would be very valuable to us. All we need to do is reach out more. 

Our Learning Lodge is a PSLE tuition centre that caters to students from different schools, backgrounds and standards. We are situated at Block 813 Jurong West Street 81 #B1-184 Singapore 640813 and you can contact us via WhatsApp (+65 9727 2203), Facebook or Instagram if you are looking for a tuition centre for your Secondary 1 and Primary school child.